Brian Baker Speaking

The Bridge: January 10, 2025

A Note from Brian 
It is great to have students back on both of our campuses and ready for the spring semester. Winter camp will be the highlight of the next two months. Please be in prayer for the thousands of teenagers who will attend one of our camps, that the gospel will impact their lives, and that the Lord will use our student body to show them the love of Jesus. Pray also for your students that this ministry will leave a lasting impact on their lives.

Latest News:  

New York   

Past Events   

We had a great Campus Preview Days event in December! Seventy-four students attended. 

Our last Essentials Conference was held in December as well. Both events went smoothly, and we are grateful for the opportunity to host the ACBC conference for our students, staff, and other guests.  The end of this semester came with celebrating Christmas—we had a student leadership Christmas party and an all-campus Christmas party. Pictures of those events can be found on our Flickr page: 

Upcoming Events  

We are welcoming new students today from 3 to 5 PM! The rest of the student body should arrive on campus by 7 PM. We are having a Welcome Back meeting at 8 PM. 

On January 17 through 19, we will hold our first Young Adults Weekend. Our students will join the guests at the conference to kick off the start of the Snowcamp season! This weekend will include many sessions and breakout sessions. The main sessions will be taught by our Dean of Students, Drew Burtis.  Our first official weekend of Snowcamp will be January 24, and the last weekend will end on March 9. For more information on what Snowcamp is or to register, click below! 

February 13 and 14 will be our next Campus Preview Days event. 

On February 17, we will host a College Fair for your students and local Christian high schoolers. 


Past Events

We had a great Campus Preview Days event in December with thirty-six in attendance! 

Our students also finished off the semester by celebrating. We had a Christmas party on December 9 and celebrated our spring students graduating on December 12. 

Upcoming Events

Spring registration: January 6 (new students, 1–3 PM) and January 7 (returning students, 2–4 PM). 

Spiritual Recharge: January 8-9, with morning sessions and Pursuit Camp training in the afternoons. Classes begin January 10. 

WOL 85th Anniversary Celebration:  In FL on Fri. Jan. 10th featuring Ray Pritchard as our speaker and music with Michael O’Brian.

Conference season: Ten weeks of adult conferences featuring speakers such as Dr. Erwin Lutzer and Dr. Ray Pritchard, and concerts from artists like Ernie Haase and the Booth Brothers. 

Pursuit Camp will start on January 24, and the last weekend will end on March 2. The final weekend is our Young Adults Weekend. For more information on what Pursuit Camp is or to register, click below. 

Our next Campus Preview Days will be February 6 and 7. 

Both Campuses 

Snowcamp and Pursuit: Theme and Verse

The theme for both camps will be Factory Reset. The verse will be 2 Corinthians 4:16 says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”

Intersect Camps 

Did you know that our Snowcamp/Pursuit Camp experience may be in a location near you? We are holding a few remote camps in California, New Hampshire, and Ohio. For more information, check out this page: 

Planning for Spring Break 

New York Spring Break: 
Starts on March 10 after the exam at 9 AM. The return date is March 24 by in-dorms. 

Florida Spring Break: 
Starts on March 7 after the exam at 9 AM. The return date is March 24 by in-dorms.