Three Simple Ways to Spice Up Your Devotions

Do you ever feel like your devotional time has gotten a little… bland? There are seasons of life where we delve into God’s Word and are amazed by the colorful and varied depths of His Story. There are other times, however, when we read even the most incredible passages of Scripture, but it just feels dry. God’s Word doesn’t change, but WE do- and as we pass through life and experience different seasons, sometimes it can help us to approach the Bible in different ways.
Read on to learn three simple ways to spice up your devotional time– whether for right now, or a future season.
So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11
How to Spice Up Your Devos
– Journal creatively!  – To be frank, that elaborate Bible journaling trend — with the drawings of seas and flowers and mountains alongside gorgeous hand-lettering — doesn’t work for me. (But if it works for you, great!) After years of trying to study and worship like the other Christians around me, I found that the best way for me to meditate on the Word is to keep one journal and put everything in it — Bible verses right alongside what I ate for dinner in Indianapolis, and a prayer for a friend next to the ticket stub from seeing Mamma Mia 2 in theaters. I find it much easier to make sense of my life when I contextualize what God teaches me alongside all the other pieces of my life. Ask yourself some questions. Does journaling work for me, or do I just wish it did? what kind of journaling do I like to do? What allows me to best remember the things I’m learning? Do I like to be neat, or do I need to give myself permission to let the journal be unconventional and “messy”? There is no wrong way to journal.
– Go someplace new – Psychological studies suggest that we hold different associations and thoughts in different spaces; in other words, physical spaces are also, in a sense, mental spaces. So why not occasionally do your devotional time in a different place than usual, and think some fresh thoughts outside of the familiar patterns of feeling and thinking? If you can be near a body of water, even better: other studies suggest that bodies of water in particular calm the mind and body.
– Pray with a friend – This would be hard to do every day, so do what works for your schedule – once a week, once a month, whatever works. Praying with others is humbling and deeply-rewarding: sharing burdens is difficult to do if you’re a people-pleaser (and don’t want to burden others) or if you’re afraid to drop your persona (and allow others to see your faults). But God calls us to share our burdens and be in communion with others. This is a great way to keep in touch with long-distance friends.
Hopefully these simple steps will allow you to get a fresh perspective as you prayerfully dive deep into God’s Word. Be patient with yourself, and take time to be still— we can trust that God will never change, and neither will His Word.