Word of life Bible Institute Campus


Check out just a few ways Word of Life Bible Institute makes campus a safe place for everyone
Note: Safety policies vary by location. Please contact the Student Life Department for details on your specific campus.
Emergency alerts via text message and email
Access to health care 24/7 through Telemedicine
Parking tags for all student and staff vehicles on campus.
Training in the Standard Response Protocol emergency procedures for all students and staff
Registered security guards who patrol the campus during the day and night
Gate/locking mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access into student buildings
A primary care provider, nurse, or RTE certified personnel is available on campus
A plainclothes emergency response team that is armed and trained to respond to critical incidents
An emergency phone number available 24 hours per day
word of life bible institute campus in the winter


Word of Life Bible Institute has an emergency plan for promoting student safety in the event of various emergencies involving the campus. The emergency plan is disseminated to all faculty, staff, and students through the Faculty Handbook, the Student Handbook, and safety meetings.



In compliance with Federal Law, Word of Life Bible Institute publishes an annual crime report containing the crime statistics for the most recent three-year period. You can view a summary of this information below. More details are available at