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As part of our program, students have the opportunity to invest in their classmates through assigned roles on campus. Not only do these positions foster a mindset of Christ-centered service, but they also provide practical training in a vocational field. Check out just a few of the technical skills you could learn during your year on campus.
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Culinary Arts
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Grounds and Maintenance
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Live Productions
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Media & Marketing
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Mail Room
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Student Services
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I'm currently majoring in nursing at Cedarville University, but I was part of Word of Life's Health and Security Team for my two years at the Bible Institute. The medical skills I learned there have really given me a head start in my nursing classes and made it easier to understand the material. I am able to recall the skills and experiences I had as a security guard and use them as I pursue my career.

- Emily Newell ‘22

The skills I learned [in videography] were definitely a big part of where I am today. Now I work for a video production company that does projects all over the United States, and it’s crazy how the experiences l had on the Marketing Team helped me in the career path I’m on today.

– Jaman Bennett ‘20

People smiling under a tree

Talk with your admissions counselor about a specific service assignment that interests you

(please note that service assignment placement is subject to change; depending on the work area, you may need to complete an interview to be considered for the assignment).

Ready to Discover Service Assignments for Yourself?