Cloak or Character?

“One day he (Joseph) went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside.12 She (Potiphar’s wife) caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.” 

Genesis 39:11-12 

Charles Spurgeon stated these words, “I had better leave my cloak than lose my character.” These words, and the example of Joseph in Genesis 39, go to the heart of how to live victoriously in our Christian life. Joseph was more concerned about godly character than ANYTHING else. He was more concerned about maintaining personal holiness than financial reward or fleeting pleasure of sin. His character was SO important to him, that he was willing to endure imprisonment. Moses’ is another godly example. A man that was willing to endure persecution with God’s people in order to maintain his character, rather than to lose his character and enjoy the “pleasures of sin for a season” (Heb. 11:25).

My prayer is that you continue to be committed to personal holiness. That your passion and desire to please God by being holy is greater than any other desire. I will be praying that when temptation comes your way, you will leave behind your cloak and hold fast to your character. We are in a spiritual battle for the MIND and the WILL, a spiritual battle in which you can have victory (because God said so and has provided all we need). A few principles to live a victorious Christian life.

  1. Recognize that God’s best is THE best: God has your best interest in mind (Battle for the MIND) Josh 1:8
  2. Recognize that we can have victory: He has provided us with all the resources we need to be victorious (Battle for the MIND) 1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 4:15
  3. Set yourself up to succeed: Do not go to places where you have failed in the past (Battle for the WILL) Amos 3:3; Prov. 27:17
  4. Don’t let your guard down: Satan desires your failure and will do all he can to insure it (Battle for the WILL) 1 Peter 5:8
  5. Continue the godly habits you have learned at Word of Life: Time in God’s Word, prayer, accountability, Christian fellowship (Battle for the WILL) Josh. 1:8; Gal. 6:2; 1 John 1:9

What is more important to you, your cloak or your character? Your personal holiness or temporal happiness?

Written by Dr. Paul Weaver, Academic Dean of Word of Life Bible Institute