Brian Baker Speaking

The Bridge: April 14, 2023

A Note from Brian 

April is an exciting month at the Bible Institute, as our focus is on global missions and preparing for ministry trips. This weekend (April 14–16) is our New York Missions Conference, where students will be challenged to pray through their part in taking the gospel to the world. In less than a week, our sophomore students head out on Missions Reality trips. The week after that, our freshman students go to New York City for Open Air Evangelism. Please pray for your student, as this is one more opportunity for them to take what they are learning in the classroom and put it into practice. As you pray, I encourage you to read John 17:6–9, where Jesus prays to the Father for His disciples before He is about to be crucified. He gives us a great model of how we can pray for these students as they head out into the world with the gospel. I cannot wait to see how God uses them! 

Pray for Students 

Over the next two weeks, we have three big events happening on and off our campus. This weekend, we will be hosting our annual Missions Conference to prepare our students to launch into their ministry trips.  Take a look at the link under “Missions Conference Schedule” for a glimpse of the exciting sessions and activities going on throughout the weekend. 

The second event is Missions Reality! Every sophomore student will be going on one of seven different mission trips around the world between April 20 and April 30. We have groups going to Austria, Honduras, Paraguay, Portugal, Quebec, Taiwan, and Wayumi (a missions program in Pennsylvania directed by Ethnos360). Students have studied the biblical foundation for support raising, and they have been raising support since October for their trips. For many of them, this will be their first time traveling out of the country. Thank you for praying for them, for the staff who are leading the trips, and the lives they will impact around the world. 

The third event is our Open Air Evangelism trip to New York City (also known as OAE). We will be leaving on charter buses from the Bible Institute on Wednesday, April 26. We will spend all day Thursday and Friday on the streets of New York, sharing the gospel with the people we encounter. Saturday is a day we give the students to experience the city as a tourist. On Sunday, our students will attend one of several New York City churches and will return to our campus by Sunday evening. Please pray for our students that God would provide their support, prepare their hearts, and prepare the hearts of the people they will encounter.  

Missions Conference Schedule  

Click the link below to view the schedule for Missions Conference. You can watch the livestream of each session throughout the weekend by visiting our Facebook Page. 

Missions Conference Schedule: Click here

Summer Break and Camp 

As you may be aware, your students have a unique opportunity to be a part of our summer camp ministry. In New York, we have a family camp called The Pines as well as three youth camps: The Ranch, The Ridge, and The Island. We also have a youth camp called The Coast in Florida.  

If you have teenagers or children at home and would like to plan a spiritually refreshing week for them, or if you would like to grow together as a family, register for one of our camps at the link below:

Below is a reminder of the dates for summer break. 

  • Departure – May 19 after the morning exam 
  • Return for students working at the Pines – June 10 
  • Return for students working at a New York Youth Camp – June 13