Brian Baker Speaking

The Bridge March 13, 2023

A Note from Brian 

I hope you have enjoyed spending time with your students over the last couple weeks. I’m sure they spent much of break getting sleep after a busy winter camp season! I also hope you have been hearing stories from them about life change, both in their lives and in the lives of the campers they ministered to during winter camp. We are excited about having students back on campus soon.  

Return from Spring Break 

Break is coming to an end! This is just a reminder that your students’ return date is March 20 by 11:00 PM.  

Special Permission Requests 

While you have your student home for the next few days, you can plan out Easter weekend! They will not have classes on April 7–10. However, they will still need to fill out a special permission request if they plan to leave for the weekend. 

Winter Camp Numbers 

This winter, we had the opportunity to host three different camps! We held our regular seven weekends at our Florida and New York locations, but we also took our program out to Ohio for a new satellite camp called Intersect! In the past, many churches have made the long drive from Ohio to spend a weekend at Snowcamp. We thought, “why don’t we bring camp to them?” This was a unique opportunity, and a handful of your students got to serve during the two weekends of Intersect Camp. 

  Intersect Camp  Pursuit Camp  Snowcamp  
Campers      334  1,029  2,196  
Salvation Decisions    22  149  159  
Dedication Decisions  235  790  1392  

We had a total attendance of 3,599 campers at all our camps, and 330 of those campers came to know Christ! On top of the 330 salvation decisions, 2,417 campers decided to dedicate their lives to the Lord.  

Campus Preview Days 

Our next campus preview days event is March 30–April 1, and we have room for more participants! If you or a friend are interested in attending, click the link below to sign up!

Summer Break 

I know it sounds crazy, but summer break will be here before we know it! Below are the dates for summer break. Please note that the return date is based on where your student will be completing their summer ministry.  

  • Departure: May 19th after the morning exam 
  • Return for students working at The Pines: June 10 
  • Return for students working at a New York Youth Camp: June 13